About Me

I live in a small poke town within an hour of the California coast where there are more vineyards than people with my husband and three children and various pets. James Dean's tree is within walking distance and the James Brothers were also known to ride these hills. I was born to the son of Lutheran missionaries and the daughter of Catholic hypocrites. I'm a Zionist. I was born and raised in California where liberal ideas become gods, and conservative ideals are evil. Unfortunately, it's illegal to have morals in California. I'm one of the evil ones. I take my frustrations out on my houseplants, all 300+ of them.

Recipes & Procedures

How To Make Yogurt

Another ingredient in a lot of cheesecakes is yogurt. Since we've made goat cheese, let's try something a bit harder, yogurt. It's not too much harder, it just needs a constant temperature to set correctly. During the winter months, this may be a bit harder than summer months. Let's try it anyway, shall we?

You will need a double boiler, or a large pot with a smaller pot to sit inside it. A candy thermometer, a wire whisk or metal spoon, containers to put the yogurt in to thicken, an igloo type of cooler, or heating pad to keep the temperature steady, or a gas pilot light.

1 8oz container of plain cultured yogurt
8 cups milk (goat, cow, 2%, whole, skim, whatever)
2 cups cream (optional)
2 T powdered milk (optional) - this helps thicken the yogurt


  1. Sterilize all containers, spoons and pots.
  2. put enough water in the larger pot for the smaller pot to have water half way up the sides.
  3. Bring the water to a boil.
  4. pour milk, powdered milk, and cream into the smaller pot, then place it in the boiling water.
  5. Put the thermometer in the milk and stir continually until the milk reached about 180* F, do not let the milk boil.
  6. Keep the milk at 180* for two to three minutes, then kill the heat.
  7. Place pan in sink of cold water and let it cool until it reaches between 105* and 110* F
  8. Stir the yogurt until it is smooth and liquid, then add it to your milk.
  9. stir until it is well incorporated into the milk.
  10. Pour the yogurt mixture in sterilized containers and place on pilot light, heating pad, oven, or cooler (If using cooler, pour warm tap water around the jars)
  11. cover and leave alone for about 6 hours.
  12. your yogurt should be thickened now and can be put in the fridge. Yogurt will keep for about 2-3 weeks in the fridge.

Now you're ready to make yogurt cheesecake, or even yogurt cheese. Enjoy and happy cheesing!